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Have you noticed that there is now water in the baptismal font? And yes, it is blessed. Upon my first visit at St. Hyacinth, one of the first things I noticed was this beautiful area in the foyer of the church with the stand meant to contain the water of life, but yet it was empty.
The font at the entrance of the church is to remind us of our own baptism into the body of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
From the USCCB document on church Architecture: Built on Living Stones, we need to consider the following:
For these reasons and after discussions with Fr. Reginald, Holy Water has once again been added to the font on a permanent basis, with barriers being removed to allow all access. In addition, in the space is the Easter Candle. This is our reminder that the light of Christ is always with us. Before each Mass you will notice the book of the Gospel is on display along with the gifts of the people. These are to allow us to reflect on our own journey from the “waters of baptism to the altar.” We have the word of our Lord ready to be proclaimed, for our hearing as the truth being poured into our ears, minds and hearts. Similarly, we have the gifts of the people, our own sacrifice from our first fruits freely given in the form of mere bread and wine, waiting to be transformed by the Holy Spirit in the true Body and Blood of Christ.
Take a moment as you enter the Church to share in the sacrifice of Mass and dip your fingers into the font. The sign of the cross we make is our own beginning of the liturgy. This is the time to put aside the worries and cares of the world; the time to enter into the presence of God and to be filled with His living water and His love.
-- Deacon Frank Berntsen, 2014