The U.S. Council of Catholic Bishops’
Communities of Salt and Light identifies three basic messages for formation of Parish Social Ministry:
Catholic social mission is an essential part of the faith life of every able Catholic and should be integrated throughout Parish life.
The primary role of Parish Social Ministry is to organize, orchestrate and provide opportunities for social outreach and invite and recruit members of our faith community to become involved in Catholic social mission.
Parish Social Ministry must include both efforts to provide direct service or outreach to people in need and efforts to work for justice and peace by shaping the policies, programs, and structures of society.
St. Hyacinth PSM
Supports our Pastor’s goals for social action in the Parish and beyond in the areas of Social Justice and fulfilling corporeal and spiritual needs of God’s children.
Identifies the corporal and spiritual needs of the Parish and beyond and organizes support to address and meet those needs.
Identifies social justice issues and organizes advocacy to address those concerns.
Supports creation of new social ministries as discerned.
Supports existing ministries with pastoral guidance.
Supports existing ministries in their recruiting and outreach.
For more information or to become involved, contact: