Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for all the prayers, love, and support upon my arrival and for my first full weekend for the Epiphany of the Lord.
I am most thankful and grateful, as I feel very welcomed and blessed by all of you. It is with much joy and excitement that I was called to serve here as your Pastor. Please continue to pray for me as I am installed as your new Pastor this weekend for the Baptism of the Lord.
Through Jesus Christ, may we continue to live out our baptism to be Christ for others. And, as we do so, we will grow in loving others, loving the Saints, and most of all we grow in our relationship with God together as a community.
Know that I am praying for you.
All glory to God,
Rev. Truong Son Cao Nguyen
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I am honored to be your new Administrator and soon, your new Pastor and look forward to meeting all of you.
Change is never easy, and I know it has been both challenging and emotional to say goodbye to Fr. Reginald, who faithfully served as your Pastor for over 12 years. With the support of Cardinal DiNardo, my mentors and Fr. Reginald, I am honored to be entrusted with the responsibility of serving at St. Hyacinth Catholic Church.
As we prepare for the Feast of the Holy Family, may they bless us and pray for us. As we come together as one family under God, may we ask for our Holy Mother’s blessing.
My first Mass will be Wednesday, January 1, 2025 at 10 am. What a great way to begin a New Year and new relationships with Mother Mary to lead us to Jesus. May she wrap us in her mantle. I look forward to seeing you there.
Once again, I am happy and excited to be at St. Hyacinth to serve and walk with each one of you on our Holy journey together.
God bless you and Merry Christmas!
Fr. Truong Son
Here we are, we have entered the Advent season. First week of Advent - Hope
Please see the link below for the Advent Calendar from the USCCB. May it guide us through this Advent.
I wish you all a fond farewell. Please keep me in your prayers and I can assure you of my thoughts and prayers for each and every one of you as we all move forward with the work of Christ. Thank you all for being a blessing to me.
This weekend please welcome Rev. Patrick Keyes, C.Ss.R., who is a dedicated Redemptorist missionary priest. He will address our community about the crucial work undertaken by Redemptorist priests and brothers in their overseas missions in Brazil and Nigeria. A native of Milwaukee and ordained in 1989, Father Patrick has served as a formation director for Redemptorist students and has held pastoral roles in Colorado and Kansas, in addition to several years of ministry in Brazil. We warmly invite you to welcome Father Patrick and give your full attention to this significant Mission appeal.
Next weekend, please welcome Rev. Patrick Keyes, C.Ss.R., who is a dedicated Redemptorist Missionary Priest. will address our community about the crucial work undertaken by Redemptorist priests and brothers in their overseas missions in Brazil and Nigeria. A native of Milwaukee and ordained in 1989, Father Patrick has served as a formation director for Redemptorist students and has held pastoral roles in Colorado and Kansas, in addition to several years of ministry in Brazil. We warmly invite you to welcome Father Patrick and give your full attention to this significant appeal.
For the Month of November, The Book of the Names of the Dead will be in the Baptistery area of the Church for those who want to write the names of deceased loved ones whom we can pray for. In communion with the faithful departed as members of the Church, it is our responsibility and privilege to assist them with our prayers and holy works.
In this week’s gospel, we focus on Jesus’ power to heal and cure. Jesus heals Bartimaeus of both his physical blindness and his social exclusion. When Bartimaeus receives his sight, he is able to rejoin and to take part in the daily life of the community. Jesus wants us all to be healed continues to make sure that everyone is embraced by the community in the midst of disability.
This weekend we will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This Sundays second collection will support over 1150 mission territories in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the pacific Island, and the Middle East. According to Cardinal DiNardo, the funds collected this weekend second collection will go to support evangelization efforts, support for international seminarians, support future religious sisters, catechist, Catholic schools and healthcare centers throughout the world. Thank you for your generosity in supporting World Mission Sunday.
This weekend we will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This Sundays second collection will support over 1150 mission territories in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the pacific Island, and the Middle East. According to Cardinal DiNardo, the funds collected this weekend second collection will go to support evangelization efforts, support for international seminarians, support future religious sisters, catechist, Catholic schools and healthcare centers throughout the world. Thank you for your generosity in supporting World Mission Sunday.
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
The month of October is Respect Life Month with today being Respect for Life Sunday. For Respect Life Sunday, we will stand against the horrors of abortion on Center Street. Those that are interested in the Life Chain project on Center Street are called to meet in Guyot Hall immediately after the Noon Mass today and then gather on Center Street to stand silently from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.
Marriage is a gift. When two people are joined they share in the job of bringing God to the world by making His love visible. Each person leaves their own family to form a new family of love.
Jesus’ teachings about marriage can be difficult to hear in a world that has difficulties with commitment and broken by sin. We who are the church need to offer our support to marriage and to those who, perhaps for reasons beyond our knowledge, need to live outside of their marriage.
One of the principal goals of 2024 is to increase the number of people that are contributing to the Church through our electronic giving platform. We have over 1000 registered families here at STHY that may be giving to our parish in the Sunday collection; however, we don’t have a record of them using their envelopes or electronic giving. You can enroll for online giving through
For 2024, Cardinal DiNardo has assessed our parish DSF goal at $81,200. Go to: and give to DSF 2024. Thank you for your generosity. Please remember that our parish is required to meet our goal, whether paid by us individually or paid from our general funds at the end of the year.
Finally, I want to thank everyone for giving me their birthday wishes. It is wonderful to celebrate another year. I am blessed by having you all in my life.
God Bless,
Fr. Reginald Samuels
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Sin is an issue that Jesus takes very seriously, and we should take serious as well. Sin persists in our lives, and we are called to dedicate our entire being to eradicate sin. Even though the task of moving away from sin is hard, we have Jesus to walk with us and to give us hope. We are not lost to sin when we cooperate with the Holy Spirit and move forward in our relationship with God.
One of the principal goals of 2024 is to increase the number of people that are contributing to the Church through our electronic giving platform. We have over 1000 registered families here at STHY that may be giving to our parish in the Sunday collection; however, we don’t have a record of them using their envelopes or electronic giving. You can enroll for online giving through
For 2024, Cardinal DiNardo has assessed our parish DSF goal at $81,200. Please go to: and give to DSF 2024. Thank you for your generosity. Please remember that our parish is required to meet our goal, whether paid by us individually or paid from our general funds at the end of the year.
Saturday October 5th at 9:00 am, in the center street parking lot, we will have our Annual blessing of the Animals. The custom of blessing of the animals originated in the 13th century and is attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, who had a great care and respect of the creatures of the earth.
The month of October is “Respect Life Month”, with October 6th being Respect for Life Sunday. For “Respect Life Sunday”, we will stand against the horrors of abortion on Center Street. Those that are interested in the Life Chain project on Center Street are called to meet in Guyot Hall immediately after the noon Mass today and then gather on Center Street to stand silently from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.
Finally, many in our community continue to need food to feed their families. Our St. Hyacinth St. Vincent De Paul Society is asking for your help to feed our neighbors in need by donating to our ministry gift cards in the amount of $25 from any of our local grocery stores: Food Town, Joe V’s, Aldi, Kroger, HEB, or Walmart. Place your donated cards in the collection basket during any weekend Mass. Thank you for your generosity.
God Bless,
Fr. Reginald Samuels
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Jesus is calling us all to humility, for us to grow closer to God. Being humble dufuses jealousy and selfishness in us and the world. Humility asks the questions of how we can be more of a servant in this world. Since Jesus calls us to share a life of humility, then we need to find ways in which we can service our brothers and sisters in our community and world.
The month of October is Respect Life Month with October 6th being Respect for Life Sunday. For Respect Life Sunday, we will witness the horrors of abortion on Center Street. Those that are interested are called to meet in Guyot Hall immediately after the noon Mass and then gather on Center Street to stand silently from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.
On the weekend of September 28th and 29th, the Chairman of the Life Chain committee, Mr. Raul Turner, will be speaking at all the Masses in regard to the Life chain event here at St. Hyacinth.
For 2024, Cardinal DiNardo has assessed our parish DSF goal at $81,200. DSF supports more than 64 ministries and programs that serve the faithful of the Archdiocese and us here at St. Hyacinth. Envelopes are in the narthex or you can go online and give at:
Thank you in your generosity in supporting DSF 2024.
I do want to address that approximately over 1000 registered families here at STHY are not on record of your giving to the Church. We do acknowledge that many are giving to the Church through the weekend collection; however, St. Hyacinth needs you to start moving toward electronic giving. Please go to to sign up and give online.
Many in our community continue to need food to feed their families. Our St. Hyacinth St. Vincent De Paul Society is asking for your help to feed our neighbors in need by donating to our ministry gift cards in the amount of $25 from any of our local grocery stores: Food Town, Joe V’s, Aldi, Kroger, HEB, or Walmart. Place your donated cards in the collection basket during any weekend Mass. Thank you for your generosity.
God Bless,
Fr. Reginald Samuels