Contact Us
281- 479 - 4298
“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." -- Matthew 22:37
Parishioners blessed with charisma answer their Baptismal call to ministry by serving the faithful through their active participation in the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy. Their ministerial commitment enables the faithful to be nourished by the Word and by the Eucharist.
They serve as ministers (Lectors, Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion, Ushers, Altar Servers, Acolytes, and Pastoral Musicians). Their ministries are inseparably tied to and support their ongoing spiritual journey.
If you would like to serve in one of the following positions, please contact:
Director of Liturgy and Music
Pamella Pitman 281-479-4298
[email protected]
Altar servers
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion (EMHC)