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281- 479 - 4298
All parties seeking baptism at St. Hyacinth are required to register for the Baptism Preparation class on line. Baptisms will only be scheduled at the Baptism Preparation classes.
Baptism Preparation Class (Registration and Attendance are required)
Only the attendees who attend the Baptism Preparation Class on the day in which is scedeuled will be scheduled for a baptism at St. Hyacinth.
Parental Requirements
◦Parent(s) must be formally registered parishioners at St Hyacinth for 6 months prior to baptism.
◦The parents who will present their child for Baptism are expected to fulfill preparation requirements by attending all preparation classes. The classes are typically held one to two weeks preceding the baptism date.
◦Parents must submit a copy of the child’s birth certificate at the preparation session.
If you are presenting your child for Baptism and were not married in the Roman Catholic Church, speak with the Pastor about being married in the Church. This should precede Baptism, but will not prohibit Baptism.
Choosing Godparents is a very important step. Godparents should be chosen prayerfully and should be people who will provide examples of faith and support of spiritual growth for your child. The role of Godparent must be taken seriously. Parents should not choose Godparents until certain they meet the following criteria:
Diocesan guidelines for Godparents
◦Minimum age is 16 years old.
◦Godparents must be practicing Catholics, having received Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist and attending Sunday Mass and communion.
◦If they are married, they must be married by a Roman Catholic priest or deacon. At least one and maximum of two godparents, one male and one female, are required for each baptism.
Contact the parish office for more information 281-479-4298